Independence Day we in the U.S. celebrate as citizens to remember 4 July 1776 when the Declaration of Independence was signed marking our nation's birth separate from mother country Great Britain.
Another important celebration is (or will be for most people) is Financial Freedom Day (FFD).This is the day that we can comfortably live off income from our accumulated assets. Houses, cars, boats are generally not assets unless they produce income in excess of expenses. This day is personal to you. Have you declared it?
And the third celebration is Debt Free Day, (DFD) the celebration of the elimination of all personal debt. (Business debt is an important tool utilizing the principle of capital investment called OPM (Other People's Money). Have you declared it?
While money is not everything and the Bible says the LOVE of money is the root of all evil, money is like air, we can only live a short time without it.
There is one last celebration we all should be enjoying, Time Freedom Day (TFD) which is the point in time when you are free to pursue your God-given purpose(s). Now that you are financially free and are uncommitted, how will act? Who will you surround yourself with? What God-given purpose will you pursue?
A wise pilot knows the exact destination before trip starts.
Happy Independence Days!